-How to control your calendar
-How to create a schedule that works for you
-Our example Productivity Calendar template
Your calendar shouldn’t be an open season free for all of appointments. Each of us have a special cadence in our day that involves times when we’re most productive, time we want for personal reasons and time when we’re least productive. These are often the same times day in and day out – so why not create a calendar template that aligns your scheduling with your lifestyle?
It’s true, life throws lots of stuff at us daily. Our client calls for an immediate meeting. Our one co-worker strangely schedules meetings at stupid early times in the morning. We’re called upon to leave town and attend Wizard School at Hogwarts. We get it.
The reality though is most people don’t create a set of guidelines around their calendar to begin with, so ultimately things just fall where they may. Even if you can’t stick to it all the time, building a Calendar Template is a great way to start creating order out of the chaos of random meetings.
A Calendar Template is what your “ideal week” looks like. It’s the target you want every week to start with and what you (or your assistant) will do everything possible to work toward. Each “Block” within the template represents how you want to spend your time throughout the day. For example:
Click Here to view a live example of our Calendar Template.
These are just a starting point, and it doesn’t have to be super detailed, but simply laying out your day and applying a few of these blocks to portions of your day will go for miles in helping you create a more structured day that aligns with what you care about and what matters to you.
As importantly, this is invaluable information for your assistant who would prefer to help you do the things you actually want to do versus randomly sending you in every direction at once.
Create a schedule for the times you work best during the day—and stick with it. You will be more productive, and be able to accomplish more throughout the day.
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