The Startups Team
Update (12/7/17): The previous video lesson is no longer available and we’ve since removed it. However, you can still see more from Jenny Lefcourt including her lesson on Fundraising Series Seed.
Pitching to investors can be the make or break point for startups. The impression you make on them can be the difference between getting the funding you need to continue to the next stage of startup success, or finding your product, research, and ideas on the chopping block.
In this short video, Jenny Lefcourt teaches the science behind pitching: start big and broad and dive into specifics as the investor asks more involved questions. Treat investment meetings like a dialogue instead of a speech and hit the essentials before getting more granular.
Piqued your interest? Watch more of Jenny’s free, 10-step lesson on mastering the pitch (see above, no longer available).
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