Wil Schroter
Don’t miss out! Check out the previous chapters here:
–Chapter One
–Chapter Two
–Chapter Three
-Reframe how you use and view your inbox
-Bucket your tasks into 3 sections: “High Priority”, “Offloading” and “Later” tasks
Alright—let’s take a step back and see the state of things. So far, we’ve established: 1.) How to rebuild your email workflow 2.) The tools to prioritize, deflect and destroy any inbound communication and 3.) How to quiet the voice that’s sternly reminding you to “RESPOND-TO-EVERYTHING-ASAP”
You’re probably feeling more productive, already. Maybe you’re feeling a little anxious with all the changes you’ve made (it gets easier— promise!) Or, maybe a rush of power has gone to your head and you feel like you can literally take over the world with all the free time you have.
But, before we take even one more baby step further—Even if the coffee shop you’re in is too quiet, or you’re standing in a crowded elevator—I need to you repeat after me:
“My inbox is not my to-do list.”
Why do we ask you to repeat such things? Well, because your inbox is not your to do list.
Your to do list should be governed by you – not random messages appearing in your inbox.
Many people use email synchronously, meaning as emails come in they change their day and their flow to accommodate these newfound “tasks”. What we want to do in this step is break that habit so that you can start letting the order and flow of emails only change your day when something warrants it. Everything else gets filed and sorted for later.
→ ACTION: Start with 3 Task List Types ←
You may or may not use a task list each day (it’s generally good practice… but let you be you). Regardless, your VA should definitely be using a task list to translate the onslaught of daily emails into the very few things that you actually need to respond to.
Your emails should automatically be sorted into these 3 lists wherever possible. This is so you are able to shift your focus to the updates on these lists, and not the random emails pouring through your inbox. Many of these may in fact be responding to emails, which you can also group together into a single task for the day to maintain your focus elsewhere.
By implementing these steps and reframing how you use and view your inbox— you can have a huge impact on the quality of work that you accomplish, and just how much you are able to cross off in any given day.
Keep the chaos to a minimum by having your VA sort your tasks into things that need to be handled now, and later.
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