
Results for: SaaS Sales

In theory, sure. In practice, to do this you'd need to find a mostly foolproof way of knowing who was "good" when they signed up*. Will the team reviewing be able to KNOW who is likely to be good? if not, you're just providing friction for signups. This is a perfect thing to test. I'd use c...


Most Software as a service vendors generally don't book annual deals except in highly specialized cases. Most customers prefer to be able to cancel/change anytime they choose. Also, deals done "offline" end up actually often being more trouble than they are worth to administrate especially for ...


You would want to hinge the purchase on a key feature that gives you a competitive advantage - and that is not fully incorporated in the trial version. I have advised SAAS Product Managers and your dilemma is certainly a shared one - getting customers to pick a) paid over free/basic/trial and b...


great questions - we see this situation with our clients pretty frequently at my firm. based on my own years of SaaS/tech sales, marketing and project management experience, I would say the path most likely to get adoption is actually discovered before the demo is delivered, rather than after. ...


I would start with some growth hacks to increase your sales without raising your costs that much. 1. Social media - provide valuable content related to your SAAS and the industry it targets. Build traction by showing case studies, customer reviews, how customers use your product and how it saves...


If you have an enforceable contract, the client is obligated to pay for the services received. As a business owner, I would be very concerned if a SAAS was demanding upfront payment for 2 years.


I'd highly recommend that you read Jason has written extensively on this subject and knows of what he speaks.


You need a CRM system that manages incoming leads. I am a beta tester for and Stewart there will give you an awesome walk-through.


Demos and free trials seem to be the only ways SaaS vendors can think about selling. Funny thing: the same issues that plagued the IT field ten years ago (!) continue today. The answer is in education. I don't mean teaching the prospect for free; I mean as the seller educating yourself on the t...


To increase chat engagement, have the chat bubble say the following when visitors first land on your site: "Thank's for your interest in [company's] [product], can I give you a tour of [whatever it is you want to engage with them on]." The general idea is to 1) thank them for giving you somethi...


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