
Results for: Books

This highly depends on the features you'd like the plugin to have. So it's hard to answer just like this. We can hop on a call and I can see if I find something that suits your needs or suggest ideas how you could solve the problem. Cheers and make today the day!


I am happy to volunteer! I have a more "classical" background in mathematical statistics, and I have followed the distribution of artificial intelligence with great interest and curiosity; also because, I feel, that the actual application and real life-value of AI-implementations often drowns in ...


Hello! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm the co-founder of, growth hacking and digital marketing service. I can go over all the different tactics and strategies that you can implement but there is a book by a fellow growth hack marketer, Ryan Holiday, in this book he talks about how h...


For pure B2B, nothing beats the free and fee offerings at


This is a great question, and my best Googling / Amazon-searching efforts aren't turning up much. Maybe time to write that book :) After considering this one for a bit, I can also imagine why this would be a tough book to write. With browser technology iterating relatively quickly, and with new ...


There are a few things you can do in order to make your booking process as smooth and efficient as possible. First, make sure you have a clear and concise listing of your equipment and the services you offer. This will help potential customers know exactly what they're getting themselves into, a...


Have you considered providing the book in electronic format. If somebody wants the book and are willing to pay the shipping fee, they get the paper copy, otherwise, it's a download.


It can depend on the type of book and goal for your book. But the strategies I know of working and that have worked for me. Involved building an audience of your own and leveraging other peoples audiences. So if you don't have an audience go through and find the thought leaders and personalitie...


Not any way that I can think of. I would trust Amazon's judgement on this one. They want to sell your book just as much as you do.


Yes; if you do a presale, those buyers will get the book immediately upon release. Include a message in either the front or back matter that encourages them to leave a review once they finish the book. You should also encounter them to join your mailing list, that way you can continue to build a ...


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