
Results for: Customer Relations

Contact both the customer and BBB to clarify the complaint and confirm it was intended for you. You can delight both parties by accepting responsibility and expressing empathy, even if you are not at fault. There is a long-told customer service story about Nordstrom accepting an faulty car tire...


Way too many to list. The usual suspects include: Amazon, Westjet Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Apple etc. I'm focused on new(ish) tech companies and their approach to customer service such as: Silvercar, Airbnb, ZenPayroll, Oscar.


I agree with Shannon, I think the first thing you need to understand if what is the goal for the SWAG you are selling. If the goal is a secondary revenue stream, and you believe it can be consequential towards your bottom line, then you can do the following: 1. Do some quick research on other s...


First, congrats on being awesome and getting great feedback! When I receive great reviews by email - I profusely thank them for the feedback, let them know how much it means to me, and then I often ask the client if they'd be willing to post that publicly and offer a few site links as suggestion...


If I understand you correctly, you're saying a customer agreed to pay you for services (product and/or support), either through posted prices and a shrink-wrapped license or through a written contract, and then you provided those services, and then they didn't pay? And you're asking whether it's...


Try the International Food Service Executives Association ( Their membership is incredibly broad. You can also try connecting with them on LinkedIn. The hard part is finding the first couple of executives, if you can tap into their networks, then you will find success. ...


You can consider looking at (based on Salesforce cloud platform) and Chatter. The same could be customized per your need and user based license system provides some definite cost advantage. The cloud based system provides the ease of accessing the same anywhere and on any device. Lookin...


Hello, If I am assuming that you have all these chats per day stored(If not storing these chats on a data warehouse for reporting purposes is an option). There is software such as Nvivo which is great for qualitative analysis which you can use for these tasks. There are also packages for R, Pyt...


There's obviously no way to ensure a sale through, but to increase the chance of sale through as much as possible would involve using a combination of several known marketing/psychological techniques. Some of these would require for you to have some control over the text of the mail sent. However...


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