
Results for: Startup Development

Hi. good questions. Answers: 1. Yes and No - it depends on what you're developing. If it is a cyber product or software, then investors would (usually) expect you to have in-house developers (meaning programmers which are part of the core team). If it's a website that offers services or an app,...


Do it now! I don't know your life situation but there's no reason why you can't just continue to try and validate the idea by generating a few early leads and seeing what people are willing to pay before launching into your first project?


Web development jobs ask for experience, but what they're actually referring to is ability. You can "hack" this process by building projects publicly. Use GitHub, contribute to open source, and continue building for-fun projects to grow your skills. Send your GitHub link along with applications...


If it is really only two way country transfer (or one receiving country and several country stacks sending money there) it would be best to build your own custom solution. Basically a simple SW to allow for receive electronic transfer money in some region (one for EU, one for US, one for Austral...


It does not have to be unique. Simple ideas are enough, just keep in mind that it must help the masses out there struggling with a problem, thus creating a gap in the market. Having an idea is important. The mere definition of the word business brings to the fore the importance of the idea. At t...


It depends on what you mean by fail! I only help software startup founders - not all founders. I believe that there's no excuse for these founders to fail to get a product to market, if they have the funding to do it of course. Even then, there's a lot founders can do (for free!) to maximise th...


I was just speaking with a colleague about this as we are both starting new startups and were reflecting on our previous projects together. In hindsight we recognize that one of the main challenges was proper expectation setting around adoption and engagement. If someone else is setting those exp...


It is the old question of time vs money, that most entrepreneuer face. First everyone assumes their idea is great. I am not talking to you personally but the statistics show that this is not the truth. Even with careful market research (not just asking Google and friends) there is always a chanc...


I have had at least half a dozen clients ask me this and build analysis for them around this specific topic in the last year alone. The answer largely depends on the circumstances (funding, time to market required, reliability of the platform provider etc). But it is a dilemma that many founder...


The best ones that I have used are as follows: O-Desk: This is good for more complex tasks that are still relatively cheap to implement. Fiverr: These are small jobs that cost $5 bucks per gig. Good to get small stuff done fast. I hate to say ...


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