
Let's be clear - There is a hierarchy of funding available. The top tier is your national bank where you'll get the cheapest rates and the bet terms. So, given that you want to do a startup, it's unlikely it'll happen.

Assuming you've done all the preparation (business plan, etc)... Then, first step is to go to friends and family and ask them for some investment. Even if you raise $1,000, it's proof to other investors that there are people that believe in you. Once you've gotten a handful of investors, go to the location and work with whoever is selling or leasing it to you. Maybe they'll believe in your idea too. Then set out on the leverage quest. Perhaps a small credit union or independent bank for the best rates, online business lenders, all the way to private capital that is ridiculously priced. All kinds of options.

Let me add - Credit score doesn't mean a thing when dealing with a startup. I knew of a guy who just got out of jail a year before he came to me. He started a business by raising money and now needed a few million because he was growing so fast. But he had bad credit, so the bank wouldn't look at him. But private investors do.

Answered 7 years ago

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