

Work Life Balance

Corporations, hospitals, and law firms care about the well being of their employees, but do they have programs to support their spouses?

I am a life coach focused on supporting and empowering spouses of high achievers in medicine, finance, tech, and law. Which HR officers would be best to collaborate with on spouse support programs?

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Professor Obi

Joseph Chikelue Obi | Professor | Doctor | Advice

Try Starting at the (Very) Top ; with (Very Senior) HR Officers.

One of the Very First Things which I (Swiftly) Learnt about Empowering the Spouses of High Achievers in Medicine , Healthcare , Finance , Academia , Technology , Politics and Law (etc) , 'ab initio' , is that a Substantial Percentage of such Spouses are (Equally) High Achievers (Themselves).

Gone are the Days of the 'Ladies Who Lunch' ; or the 'Kept Husbands'.

Almost Everyone Nowadays has a Job , or a Vocation ; or a Vision.

. . . Time is Therefore (Exceedingly) Precious to Them (too) . . .

To This Effect : I fundamentally think that the Best Way to Collaborate with (Very Senior) Human Resources (HR) Officers , in relation to Relevant Spousal Support Programmes (in Wellness , Wellbeing , Life Coaching etc) , is to find a Way of Getting Them to Graciously include some sort of Permanent Monthly Allowance of 'Tele-Consulting' Time into the Basic Remuneration Packages of All of their Staff , and All of the Family Members of such (Aforementioned) Staff.

Experience has Taught Me that Most (Very Senior) HR Officers are Quite Amenable to Approving (and Funding) about '10 (Ten) Workplace Minutes' of 'Tele-Consulting' Time , Per Employee , Per Month.

Experience has (Furthermore) Taught Me that Most (Very Senior) HR Officers are Quite Amenable to Approving (and Funding) about '10 (Ten) External (Non-Workplace) Minutes' of 'Tele-Consulting' Time , Per Family Member of a Particular Employee , Per Month.

Of Course : Some May Need More ; while Some May Need Less.

Good Luck.

Answered over 6 years ago

Shaun Nestor

Content Marketing Advisor & Agency Consultant

The wellness programs I have been involved with are usually founded through grassroot efforts and presented to the HR department.

My experience has been with peer support in military and law enforcement, where the stress and risk take their emotional toll on spouses and partners.

Knowing that HR operates first with a budget, I would approach the CHRO with the fiduciary facts and benefits to implementing this type of wellness plan. Then address the employee's benefit, and finally, recruiting.

All the best,

Answered over 6 years ago