

Speakers for Our Ed Tech Platform in Higher Education for Organization Development and Leadership

Guest instructors are needed for our master's and doctoral-level programs. We are seeking practitioners in the following areas:

  • Group executive coaching
  • Culture transformation
  • Training teams on better relationships and teamwork
  • Process management for teams (Ex: Communication)
  • Systems design and implementation (ex: organizational design)

You would be interviewed based on a set of pre-provided questions and topics. 90 minutes. Our guest speakers are paid a small stipend of $500.

Individuals with a Master's degree or industry certifications are preferred.

Please respond with your LinkedIn URL. I will forward to our committee and let you know if you are selected.

Ed Kangposted 2 years ago
james deCrescenzo Jr

Ed i would love to Instruct on Systems design and implementation (ex: organizational design) I have done tech training for 16 years

Reply9 months ago

Hello great to connect. I am not sure if this still open, as I have just joined Startups, and would love to connect.

Here is my Linkedin

Here is also a little bit more about myself

Connect soon


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