CEO of Multi Unit and brand franchise
Extensive experience in the multi unit franchise industry, from research, development, acquisition and sales
angel investing
CEO of Multi Unit and brand franchise
Raising money is a choice, if you can self funded until the concept is proven and you start getting traction, don't give up equity early on. In any round, you give up a piece of the pie, the longer you are able to self fund, the better the end result for you. You will be in strong position if you are able to stay out of asking for funding early on, but remember you need to have a good hold of the market and your numbers to understand when
Early-stage Startups
CEO of Multi Unit and brand franchise
There is no right answer, it depends on where in the cycle you are in. Bill Gates ended up with just 31% of Microsoft by the time it went public. But in an early stage, you want to give as little as possible and keep as much of the voting stock as possible
CEO of Multi Unit and brand franchise
Very few apps make money, but those that do can add up, I suggest working out an agreement where u receive either a portion of the sales, or equity in the business