Relationship Coach
To Help Restore Broken Relationships , Marriages & Friendships . To also help find self love !
Relationship Coach
With Time , try to be a person of your word . Learn to balance & know when to give them space & when to be emotionally present. Try to prove to them that you have pure intentions with the pattern of your actions not just words . Little by little they will let their guard down ..
Relationship Management
Relationship Coach
Hey honestly just be kind & respectful to everyone . Be attentive ,be a good listener pay attention to details , do little things to try to make them happy . Try to smell good & be a clean person so that it can be more pleasant to be around you .. but over all just try to be your best self . Don’t pressure anyone to like you or obsess with that idea because then you’ll become a people pleaser or you may get social anxiety .. just be chill and flow .. read the room and act accordingly ..
Relationship Coach
Relationship Coach
This can honestly happen to anyone of us . The key is to be real with yourself and try to understand what is truly missing , what exactly you are in need of . What expectations do you have that are not being met . Once you understand what you are looking for & what you want in order to spark up that flame again .. you can sit down with your partner and share your feelings and ideas . Most of the time it gets dry in bed when both are too tired , over worked & too busy .. try to see what your partner is comfortable with , try to bring in some new things to the bed , music , dress up , bring food into it , bring toys , & change the setting . Be more open & with express what you want & like .. there’s much more to this ..