
Robert Lunte



Robert Lunte is a distinguished international educator with over 20 years of experience in the eLearning industry. He has earned a reputation for creating online courses that simplify complex and abstract ideas into easily understandable instruction. With nine self-paced courses and two live training cohort programs in his portfolio, Robert's methods have helped over 100,000 students in 179 countries worldwide advance their understanding and transform their lives.

Robert is the founder of CourseCREEK. He is the chief strategist for agency growth at CourseCREEK, cultivating strategic partnerships and overseeing delivery standards. He leads the agency's strategy toward attracting premier talent from the learning and development (L&D) and online education industry. Robert is crucial in shaping a culture that ensures projects are driven to completion, adhering to the highest standards. He strives for operational efficiency within the agency, balancing high standards with a commitment to a hands-on, boutique service experience for clients.

His expertise includes business development, team management, account management, instructional design, on-camera coaching, and executive presentation training.

The Vocalist Studio

Recent Answers

Social Media Marketing

I am struggling with marketing my Facebook group and I'd love to receive some advice or out of the box ideas to grow my Facebook group.

Robert Lunte


I have the perfect answer for how to grow your FB group. I have grown mine about 40 people a week for three years. woudl love to talk to you about it. The strategy also creates passive income for you as well.


Hi there! Any tips for good online coaching/training software / platform to implement or partner with? cheers

Robert Lunte


Yes, I can help you.

Marketing Strategy

UDEMY: How to detect which niche is still profitable?

Robert Lunte


I am a successful Udemy course creator and producer. Udemy offers a too that can run a search on any ideas you have and give you some results that are based on the data they have collected regarding different course ideas. This tool is made for the purpose of helping creators make good decisions for courses. You will have better success if you go specific, especially if there are other courses in that topic already. Something the above mentioned tool will tell you. I am an expert in the Udemy Marketplace as well as other course work marketplaces and platforms and would be happy to consult you. I am sure I can help. I invite you to book some time. Robert Lunte

Mobile applications

I build apps for people that create video courses or coaching programs. What are the best practices for marketing my service?

Robert Lunte


Hello Stephanie, I actually am one of your potential clients. I am the owner of one of the world's most recognized vocal training programs for singers. I just launched a new LMS here, I could help you by sharing with you what my needs are as a course work owner that sells access to systems like this. I would also be interested to learn how you could help me?

Business Coaching

What are some weak habits that young entrepreneurs often do not notice about themselves?

Robert Lunte


Great responses! Its interesting that these responses seem to be framed in "young entrepreneurs", however, I don't think age has much to do with it. I think these suggestions apply to everyone. In my industry, the world of voice teachers, I find that young voice coaches are plagued with fear. Fear of producing content for YouTube and other social media that will help drive traffic to their web sites and I find that they are surprisingly clueless on web and internet marketing technology; web sites, contact forms, how to make a proper teaser video on YouTube, shopping carts, and what your messaging should be. They tend to be more worried about what people will think about them, instead of being fearless and putting themselves out there. Being fearful does not pay the bills or grow your business as a voice coach. I suppose, its the same for any profession.

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Areas of Expertise

Marketing StrategyPublic SpeakingE-LearningCRM softwareInstructional DesignSeminar SpeakerCourse CreationInstructional TechnologyVocal Coachingelearning