
Akshay Mistry

I am an expert about all the technical things.


Owner and CEO at ADA pharmasuitacals company. I was graduated in Computer Science. I have good skills about website development and management.

Recent Answers

Business Strategy

Can we participate in Pakistan? it's worldwide?.

Akshay Mistry

I am an expert about all the technical things.

yes you can. if you are expertise in your field then just apply. when you'll get approved you will get an email for welcoming you to


How to profitably run a business on using private label strategy with the Trump tariffs in place?

Akshay Mistry

I am an expert about all the technical things.

It depends if the price of your product is still competitive with other products or if your private label offers a benefit that other labels do not. I dealt with this with a commodity product here in Brazil. There is a formula I use to calculate the sales price after including margin and import duties. Please contact me if you would like more specific information.

Small Business

How do I connect with commercial construction and management business owners and gain them as customers?

Akshay Mistry

I am an expert about all the technical things.

1. Build a great team. In construction, your people are your business. Hire dependable, knowledgeable and skilled employees. Retain your best employees by promoting and rewarding them for their hard work and reliability. 2. Manage your business, but lead your people. Your employees want to be led, not managed. Be a great leader and your employees will follow you anywhere. If you try and manage every aspect of your employees work they will think you have no confidence in their ability to make good decisions and properly do their jobs. 3. Invest in your business. If you want to earn more business you have to invest time and money into your company. This means buying new equipment and technology when needed, training your employees and actively marketing your business. 4. Be selective to be profitable. It’s not enough to just earn more business. When you take on more work it has to profitable. There’s no sense in doubling the number of jobs you work if you aren’t increasing your profits. New call-to-action 5. Get the word out. Word of mouth remains the number one method most construction companies use to market their business and earn more work. Encourage your best customers to tell others about the great work your company does. 6. Play to your strengths. Would you rather have your company be known as a decent all-around general contracting firm or the best general contractor doing LEED-certified hotel renovations? Finding a niche market or specializing in a specific industry can set you apart from your competitors. 7. Network to earn more work. One of the best ways to network is to join and be active in the local chapter of a trade association. Networking can be a useful tool to build brand awareness for your company, generate leads and find vendors. Being active and giving back to your community is also a great networking opportunity for your business. 8. Quality is king. Tread carefully when considering any measure that could sacrifice the quality of your work. Cutting corners to reduce costs speed up completion of a project can be detrimental. Your company’s reputation for doing quality work is only as good as your last project so never compromise your high standards of performing quality work. blog demo cta 9. Change is good. Adaptability is one of the keys to success in the construction industry. As we’ve seen with the recent recession, construction can be quite a volatile industry. If you are unwilling to make adjustments in your business to keep up with the changing trends you are setting yourself up for failure. 10. Give great customer service. Pleasing your clients should be a top priority. This doesn’t mean you have to cave to their every demand. You should be actively communicating with your client on all aspects of a project so you can be equal partners in the decision-making process. Satisfied customers will lead to repeat business and great referrals. 11. Be proactive, not reactive. You can’t just sit back and expect more work to just fall in your lap. You have to proactively seek out new opportunities to retain and grow your business. Constantly reach out to the owners, architects and general contractors you find out what projects they have on the horizon. 12. Make smart decisions. We make thousands of decisions every day, many of which are inconsequential. When it comes to earning more business, this often means making hard decisions that will impact your success for years to come. Take the time to consider all angles and options and perform your due diligence for future success. Never get pressured into making rash or impulsive decisions. for more tips and tricks i am always here to help you. Akshay Mistry


insight in high speed internet for rural areas, using drones or towers.

Akshay Mistry

I am an expert about all the technical things. there is you can see different ways to use drone for your purpose. and im here to help you any time

Mobile Games

How do I start Posting Online Slots UK games?

Akshay Mistry

I am an expert about all the technical things.

Online, however, there could be anything going on behind all of that technical wizardry, right? Technically that is true, but online bingo played at regulated websites is as fair, safe, and trustworthy as the real thing.

Business Strategy

Baby/infant sector experts wanted!!

Akshay Mistry

I am an expert about all the technical things.

hello, my name is Akshay mistry. i really glad to help you with all types of market strategies. you can check out my profile


Are UPC codes for Amazon required to be purchased directly from GS1?

Akshay Mistry

I am an expert about all the technical things.

Amazon's only requirement is that you need to buy a “GS1 UPC code” to finalize your product listing and start selling on Amazon. Remember, you cannot create your own Amazon UPC code.


Woocommerce Products & Google Shopping

Akshay Mistry

I am an expert about all the technical things.

yes! you have to just make a good template about your 8 Products and share them on google ads according to their traffic. for example, If you are selling mobile phone covers then you have to make beautiful GIF template about covers and share them on E-Commerce sites/


Where can I learn everything I need to know about selling and distribution to store?

Akshay Mistry

I am an expert about all the technical things.

If you want to learn about marketing and distribution your product then go for where you will meet many professionals about marketing and strategy about selling your product. where you can ask any question about your business too. they are answering questions with tiny amount. I hope you are satisfied with my answer


How to earn money from home ?

Akshay Mistry

I am an expert about all the technical things.

there are lots of ways to earn money online and from your home too I have pretty good website for you where you can work from home. and if you want some passive income then go for where you can earn 3$ per hour by just listen songs on radio.

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