

Working Remotely

What are some best practices for managing remote employees?

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Ravi Panchal

Astrologer, philosopher, and solutions giver,

Hi ,
This is Ravi ,
Pls find below answer . Its help you .

Managing remote employees requires a different approach compared to traditional in-office teams. Here are some best practices to effectively manage remote employees:

Set clear expectations: Clearly define goals, objectives, and performance expectations for each remote employee. Provide detailed guidelines on work hours, availability, communication channels, and deliverables. Setting clear expectations helps remote employees understand what is expected of them and allows for smoother collaboration.
Use video conferencing for important meetings: Use Video conferencing tools, such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams, are valuable for virtual face-to-face interactions. one-on-one check-ins, and performance reviews via video to build rapport, enhance collaboration, and ensure effective communication.
Provide professional development opportunities: Offer remote employees opportunities for skill development and professional growth. This can include virtual training sessions, webinars, conferences, or access to online courses. Supporting their professional development demonstrates your investment in their success and helps retain top talent.

Answered over 1 year ago

Rushabh Shah

CPA and Chartered Accountant

Managing remote employees effectively requires a thoughtful approach and implementation of best practices to ensure productivity, engagement, and collaboration. Here are some key best practices for managing remote employees:

Communication: Establish clear channels of communication and encourage regular and transparent communication. Leverage various tools like email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and project management platforms to facilitate effective communication.

Goal Setting and Expectations: Set clear expectations and goals for remote employees. Define their roles, responsibilities, and performance metrics to ensure clarity and focus. Regularly review and provide feedback on their progress towards goals.

Remote Work Policies: Develop comprehensive remote work policies and guidelines to provide structure and ensure consistency. Include information on work hours, availability, communication expectations, data security, and any other relevant aspects.

Technology and Tools: Provide remote employees with the necessary technology, tools, and resources to perform their work efficiently. This includes access to collaboration software, project management tools, and secure remote access to company systems.

Answered over 1 year ago

esther tan

Advisory Board Member | Award Winning CEO |

Hello! I have been managing remote employees for a few years. What I learn is, with online environment, results become a higher priority compared to camaraderie.

First thing you need to set in place is the detailed and clear SOPs, and the goal you want your remote workers to achieve. Simply said, you need to tell them straightforwardly what results you expect them to show you, by when, and how you want them to achieve those results. Do not let the workers to drift you off your results.

Next, you need to set up tracking. Anything or any tools will do. You can use paid platforms, but in my experience Google Sheets are quite effective. The point is you (or the manager you appoint) are able to track their progress and their time, should they are paid on hourly basis.

Then, you will need a trusted provider to send their fees or salary. PayPal is good, but the platform fee is high. You need to discuss with the workers who is going to cover the platform fee. If the amount is considerable, traditional bank transfer can still be a cheaper alternative to PayPal. You also need to ensure that the workers receive their pays.

Another important point that I learn is, with employees, particularly the remote ones, it is always best to let them go sooner than later. Put it straightforwardly, if you see mistakes that cost you something to fix, or anything you cannot tolerate, fire them right away, don't wait. Workers tend to behave when they see you don't dare to let them go. This amplifies with online environment where you can't really have eyes to eyes deep discussion to mentor and fix their attitude and results.

In the future, when your organization is ready, ensure that you have your white hat SEO team in place. It can be an in house team or a freelance team hired on task by task basis. You need this white hat SEO team to perform reputation management on your office/brand/business. When you replace workers, for any reasons, including for obvious incompetence, there will be some workers posting negative comments or negative reviews about your company/business/brands. This white hat SEO team will ensure that those negative reviews are buried on the last pages of google organic search, so when prospects or new potential employees go on google to learn more about your company or your business, there is very slim chance for them to read those negative reviews.

Anyway, good luck with your business and remember, I am always open for call for further discussions.

Answered over 1 year ago

Andy Thom

Simple, Proven, Business Growth Strategies

As Managing Director of a $150m revenue technology business, we found this transition difficult at first. Items which helped us create am efficient organisation whilst building on the clear advantages of remote working included:

Set clear expectations: Clearly communicate the goals, objectives, and performance expectations to remote employees. This includes deadlines, deliverables, and any specific guidelines or requirements.

Establish regular communication: Schedule regular check-ins with remote employees to provide feedback, discuss progress, and address any concerns or questions. Utilize video conferencing tools for face-to-face interactions whenever possible.

Use collaboration tools: Implement project management and collaboration tools to facilitate communication, document sharing, and task management. This ensures that remote employees can easily access necessary information and stay organized.

Foster a sense of belonging: Create opportunities for remote employees to feel connected to the team and the organization. Encourage participation in virtual team-building activities, organize virtual events, and promote open communication channels for social interactions.

Trust and empower: Trust remote employees to manage their own work and make decisions. Provide them with the necessary resources and support, and empower them to take ownership of their tasks and projects.

Provide ongoing training and development: Offer remote employees opportunities for professional growth and skill development. This can include online training programs, webinars, or virtual workshops to enhance their knowledge and capabilities.

Prioritize work-life balance: Encourage remote employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance by setting boundaries and promoting self-care. Avoid expecting them to be constantly available outside of regular working hours.

Recognize and reward achievements: Acknowledge and appreciate the accomplishments of remote employees. Celebrate milestones, provide recognition for outstanding work, and offer rewards or incentives to motivate and boost morale.

Foster a culture of open communication: Encourage remote employees to share their ideas, concerns, and feedback openly. Establish a culture where everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions and where their input is valued.

Regularly evaluate and adjust: Continuously assess the effectiveness of your remote management practices and make necessary adjustments. Regularly seek feedback from remote employees to identify areas of improvement and implement changes accordingly.

Answered about 1 year ago