

Business Strategy

How to choose a niche for running mindfulness and meditation training seminars / workshops?

I run a popular meditation and self-improvement blog, which has a very broad and general audience. I now want to branch off and create a new brand focused on offering mindfulness and meditation training for professionals. What should I look out for when choosing a niche? For example, I could focus on any one of these: athletes, executives, lawyers, firefighters, social workers, school teachers, etc. What should be my thinking process and guiding questions, and researching which niche to focus on?

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Nicholas Jones

Design Thinking | Consultant

The real question should be what type of life do you want to live? Each individual you mentioned will have different expectations for paying for a service. That will reflect on the type of life you personally want to live. So first, start thinking about your life and how you want to live, what type of clients do you want and then start building customer personas. From their you will get a general idea of who you want to serve, hence where to create your niche.

Let me know if you need more guidance, I'm always open to helping you.

Answered over 6 years ago

Victoria Ade

Business Success Coach

Well done on having a popular blog.

Have you asked your blog readers about their backgrounds? For instance, if you do some research on thenm and find out that the majority are teachers then that would give you clarity on how to niche down.

Talking to them is really important and builds rapport.

You could simply create a blog post with a survey that asks questions about them and what they’d like to see more of.

I think doing this is the first step and then you’ll have a better idea of which area to niche into.

Answered over 6 years ago

Jim Rickards

Start-up & health insurance payer experience.

Healthcare! I think this would be a great niche to focus on. It could be hospitals and clinics or any number of healthcare-related businesses. This would include healthcare insurance companies, billers, technology companies, etc. Most folks working in healthcare are constantly thinking about how they can improve their own health even if they are not in direct patient care. Connecting your services to the health benefits of meditation and then marketing to those in the healthcare industry where health is top of mind sounds like a great approach. For instance, who could reach out to the HR department at a local hospital and offer a free 45 min class on meditation in the hospital for employees or patients? This could serve as a great marketing/sales platform and a way to gain name recognition.

Answered over 6 years ago

Priyanka Sharma

consultant on business,startups digital marketing

Hello I am Priyanka.
In this I would like to share my personal experience of this.
Yoga Workshop Topic

Now that you’re certain you are ready to lead a workshop, you’ll need to choose a topic.

Not sure what topic to focus on? Start by asking yourself these questions:

What is my favorite yoga pose or types of yoga poses? (Splits? Heart openers?)
Outside of asana practice, what else do I enjoy about yoga (philosophy, meditation, etc.) and how can I relate that back to a physical yoga practice?
What do I enjoy outside of yoga that I could fuse or make a workshop geared towards? (Yoga for Runners? Hula hoop yoga?)
Will the venue or event I am creating this workshop for impact my idea? (i.e. yoga in a park or yoga at a music festival?)
Are other people interested in this topic? Will they actually pay to learn XYZ?
Also, listen to what your students are saying. Is there something they are itching to learn that you think you can teach them but perhaps need more time to do so than in a normal class? Or is there something they love about the way you teach that you think you can expand upon in a workshop? These are great ways to extract ideas for your workshop.

Some workshop ideas:

Yoga for Beginners
Chakra Meditation
Arm balances
Aerial Yoga
Acro Yoga
Therapeutic Partner Yoga
The business of yoga
Something related to yoga: ayurveda, astrology, crystals, ecstatic dance

How to Structure Your Yoga Workshop

Every good workshop has a good plan behind it! And of course, every good teacher knows when to throw that plan out the door. 🙂

In my book, it’s better to over plan than under plan. Have more tools in your belt that you need. You may start an advanced handstand workshop and realize the group is not ready and you need to backtrack the foundation a little bit. Or perhaps they are more advanced and you can teach them additional transitions as a bonus. Either way, have some structure so you can find the flow.

Here is a basic outline for structuring your workshop:

Introduction: Introduce yourself (if no one knows you) and how you came to create this workshop and what it will be about
Warm-up: Start with a warm-up that moves through concepts you will be working on, but is unique from your regular classes (your regular clients will appreciate this)
Substance: Get into the thick of it: Break down the yoga postures or techniques, which may or may not lead to a peak pose
Play-time: Leave room for the students to explore the poses on their own, ask questions, and troubleshoot things that may come up
Tip! Remember, you can be as creative as you want and don’t have to follow traditional yoga class sequencing
Cool-down/Closing: Leave time for a cool down and any last questions at the end

Props, materials, assistants, oh my!
Consider what additional materials you can use to supplement your class. Do you have a worksheet to give to each student where they can continue what they learned?

Are there any props you will need to bring to the studio? Do you need a white board / easel or any other presentation props? Do you need an assistant?

Tip! Collaborate with another teacher.
Partnering up with another yoga instructor is great way to get started with workshops. Ideally you would partner with a teacher who has already run a workshop.

This is a great way to minimize your risks (split studio fees, both teachers spend time marketing, etc). If you have a fellow instructor that you vibe with, see if there is something unique you both can bring to the table and collaborate on.

For example, partner yoga and acro-yoga are obvious ones where team teaching can work, but other examples could be taking turns demo-ing, spotting, cueing, and adjusting poses throughout a workshop.

If you want to know about the ways to start or what will be the best place to start it then you can consult me.

For further queries related to this you can consult me.

Answered over 6 years ago