

Branding & Identity

What is the most important attribute for a successful high-end lifestyle clothing brand to have?

How can this attribute be developed and nurtured during the earliest start-up and development of the business.

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Joseph Peterson

Names, Domains, Sentences and Strategies

Your brand must conjure associations beyond the clothing itself.

Fabric is only fabric. Attractive design matters, but market competition is enough to drive down prices. If you intend to ask a premium, then your product line must SUGGEST more than it literally is.

Eventually, certain brands reach maturity and can point to an established reputation or high-profile adoption by the rich and famous.

But you can start out by honing a brand "story" that captivates attention. Parts of that story are visual; others are verbal.

Naming -- which is a large part of what I do -- is crucial when it comes to instantaneous unconscious communication. The right name tells your story for you on first contact with investors or consumers. Thereafter, it echoes in the mind, resonating with associations people bring to your product from their own experiences. Those associations add value.

This is true whether you're a luxury brand or a maker of upscale outdoor gear like Patagonia, which takes its name from rugged South American highlands.

In addition to your brand name, I would recommend paying close attention to all of your written copy. Make it unified and stylish ... in whatever way best fits your product line and intended audience.

Answered about 10 years ago

Peter Woolvett

Marketing Buyer

The most important attributes among successful high end brands are personal prestige and scarcity. High quality is expected, though status symbols aim at personal differentiation and are fueled by fashion and consumerism so they are not expected to last.

Example: German luxury cars break down often and service costs as much as buying a small car to drive around while your ultimate driving appliance is sulking.

These brands are still driven by people with clout among early adopters and late majority members, who also replace their cars often to enjoy the latest technological advancement, which is not available in the current version.

This business model increases the frequency of purchase, which creates the illusion of reliability among other luxury car drivers who see BMW & MB fans renew their vows with their favourite brand over and over.

Offering free maintenance, which actually means including the cost in the sales price, makes the cars reliable in the eyes of their owners, taking away a common objection.

High end brands differentiate their customers from the general market by providing goods and communications which are consistent with what their target group and their influencers consider special, elegant and/or sophisticated.

A high end brand must also be wanted by many who can't afford it, in order to make target customers feel privileged for being among the few who can enjoy <insert soft benefit that matters to your target customers>

High-end branding is only possible where a few shoppers from the general market can afford something better than what is purely functional. These trends generally begin with an honest commitment to quality, which attracts higher-end buyers, who in turn want the accessories in their lives to remind them of who they think they are, even if they are the only ones who believe it, for as long as they can pay for their vision of themselves.

Some high-end brands will even seriously reserve the right to refuse sales to anyone, which increases a brand's scarcity value. This is often the case in the high-end hospitality and retail industries.

Before they know it, many high-end buyers become brand champions and defend the money they spent, because their reference groups tell them that they made a good decision.

Versace and Gucci, for example, push elegance through Italian design, and positioned as a brand for people who consider themselves elegant. Of course, buyers don't need to be elegant themselves, as long as they can buy an "Elegance Kit"

There have been cases, where normally high-end brands, like Versace and Gucci try to enter the mass market and fail in both fronts, because they cease to be by sacrificing what made them a high-end brand in the first place by cutting costs to meet one or more of the price points of the general market.

Innovators and personal reference groups can provide good insights through a brand study. Unfortunately, not everyone takes the time to do this and many rely solely on having a technically superior product.

Why is scarcity important?

Because it makes most people envious, which validates a brand's superiority status, in order to raise and defend its price point. Remember that price indicates segmentation.

Patagonia, just like Joseph said, is inspired by the rough end of South America, which explains, if you look around, why you will see so many weekend warriors of all ages wearing Patagonia jackets when they meet other weekend warriors outdoor during winter. (South Americans actually do this)

Two of the better things about high end brands is that they benefit greatly from word of mouth in a smaller pool of target buyers, with less competitors taking away the attention that they crave..

There is also the fact that some of us like better quality, which was the original purpose of high end brands in the industrial era.


This should be indicated in your business model canvas and marketing plan. If you can't develop and nurture these attributes, you will never position your brand.

I would like to answer any further questions through a call. Meanwhile, you can read these articles to illustrate my answer.

Buyer Personas
Shared Brand Ownership

Answered about 10 years ago

Sushant Bharti

I'm on a 50K & 100X journey

Appropriate positioning to communicate the brand value (s). Optimized go-to-market channel & plan to win the mind-battle as far as positioning is concerned. At the end of a day what matters is not what you say but what people (read consumer) speaks about you.

In a nutshell, everything about your business should ooze simplicity.

Answered about 10 years ago

Lalita Ballesteros

2x TEDx Speaker, Mentor, Prev: @Lyft @SethGodin

Joseph's answer is spot on.

Clothing is about the story you tell about yourself. People wear Kmart because it's affordable. It suggests nothing more than an appreciation for reasonable pricing.

Marc Jacobs however boasts of something entirely different. You have taste. You have style. You are somehow "in" and care about fashion.

Entirely different story and entirely different audience.

If you intend to have a high end brand, you want to ask yourself what high end means and how you aim to create that. It takes time to create this persona.

Here are a two, main things to consider:

1- Design: look is everything. From the clothes to the way you showcase them.

2- Product placement: where are your clothes showing up? What editorial and on who? This is huge. And what story are they telling about your clothes? The story isn't only told through words either. Aesthetic plays a major role in this as well. We are trained to believe that when things look a particular way, they mean a certain something. Thus, figure out what you want the world to believe about your brand and consider how we've been trained by mass media to believe these things (considering placement, look, feel and people wearing them).

3- I had to get a third in there. Price and availability also tells a story. Less is sometimes more in terms of quantity and higher implies better quality. Again, it's about the story. Consider, though, companies like DSTLD ( They boast of designer products at less inflated fees. The jeans aren't cheap, but seemingly discounted. They tell you they save you money by giving you what let's say Ralph Lauren would provide without the inflated prices. They position themselves as the friendly high-end people who have your best interest at heart. It's all about the story and the angle you take and how much it resonates with the people you're selling to.

Answered about 10 years ago

Vanessa Ting

CPG Growth Advisor (former Target Retail Buyer)

The most critical attribute a high-end apparel brand can have is an aspirational brand with strong PR and media presence. Fashion sales are driven primarily by what's hot and on-trend. And PR and media presence is the key driver in creating an aspirational brand that people want to buy. Here is an online video on this topic:

Answered almost 10 years ago


Business Development Solutions - Business Growth

Some fantastic answers you got right there but keep in mind following:
Get to know your customers - Knowing who they are and what they expect from your business is the key to your growth.Take a Cue fashion for an example:
They ask their clients for direction.
Always keep in mind the old retail adage: Customers remember the service a lot longer than they remember the price.
People buy story, experience and sentimental value.
As much as is important to build the company brand name equally important is to build the owners personal brand .

Answered over 5 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Be it a high-end lifestyle clothing brand like you have mentioned, or any other brand, success mostly comes to three attributes of identity, visibility, and reputation. These are probably the main goals that every successful brand should pursue:
1. Establishment of an identity that, to people, companies or institutions differentiates us. The Romans called it identities, from the Latin idem, which means “the same”, “the identical”, and which the Royal Spanish Academy defines as “a set of characteristics typical of an individual or a group that characterizes it apart from others”. And, as “consciousness that a person possesses to be himself or herself to different from the others”.
2. Dissemination of this identity through various oral, written, printed or other media, which allow the identity to be known by as many individuals as possible.
3. The ultimate reputation, good or bad, will be the opinion or consideration, prestige or esteem people have for someone or something, which leads to fame. It is a prerequisite for both enjoying success and incurring public repudiation. In the business world, fame, success and a good reputation are essential elements for growing both sales and customer loyalty. An American industrialist at the beginning of the twentieth century once wrote, “If I had to choose between losing my factories and losing the reputation of my products gained from advertising over the last twenty years, I would not hesitate. Destroy the factories. Because in ninety days new factories can be built, but there is no capital capable of doing the same with the image of my products. Nothing can recover within a reasonable amount of time twenty years of good advertising”. Sir Michael Perry, former chairperson of the Unilever Group, said: “For a consumer products company, the bottom line is marketing. The essence of marketing is the brands and the essence of the brands is advertising.”
In 1980, Rives had started gin production under the Gin Rives brand, achieving notable success, so much so that at one point, it was forced to choose between expanding the factory production to respond to the demand of its distributors or to target the final consumer, potentiating the brand through a television advertising campaign, which at that time was still legally allowed. The decision was to invest one hundred million pesetas in the new factory, deferring the awareness of the brand increase until the magnitude of the sales allowed a new investment. But the sales forecasts failed. The new factory produced more than the market demanded, for a brand without brand recognition and a well-established reputation. They had put the cart before the horse, hoping that good product distribution would be sufficient for more and more customers to buy it. However, without a strong well-known brand and a high-quality image, its increasing sales just were not possible. When a few years later they realized that it was necessary to invest in the brand, they could not do so on a large scale, because the laws had changed, forbidding television advertising of high-end alcohol. The company’s owner had an ingenious idea. Making necessity the mother invention, he had the great idea to launch a product without alcohol under the same brand as the gin. Its name was Lima Rives, and its television advertising was focused indirectly on stirring the gin. The success was complete, and Gin Rives increased its awareness and sales, while growing the consumption of the Lima Rives non-stop and yielding good revenues.
The world of brands is complex but always meets the parameters of identity, visibility, and reputation. From personal brands existing before the legal trademark system, it has always been that way. Famous celebrities achieved recognition and passed into posterity for their exploits, their achievements, or their crashing failures. Whether Egyptian pharaohs such as Tutankhamun, Roman emperors such as Caesar Augustus, conquerors like Alexander the Great, explorers such as Christopher Columbus, monarchs such as Elizabeth and Ferdinand or scientists, writers, artists, politicians, etc., all went down in history with a proper name that identified them with a universal and always powerful fame (or notoriety), rendering them immortal.
The ways in which you can enhance identity, visibility, and reputation are as follows:
1. Competitiveness: For a brand to truly succeed it needs to be as competitive as possible. This includes having an entire team working behind a brand, from the most basic administrative assistants to those in a higher power position. There is no use in sitting back and hoping for the best; a successful brand goes above and beyond consumer expectations to remain on the cutting edge of its industry.
2. Distinctiveness: To have a memorable brand identity you need to be distinctive. Some of the world’s most popular brands, such as Apple, Starbucks, and Domino’s Pizza, have successfully achieved this. For instance, Apple is widely known for its minimalist approach to design and technology as well as its innovative products. Starbucks is known for its high-quality goods and services that are consistent across every store worldwide. Giving your customers a specific reason to use your services will without doubt keep them returning to your brand, time and time again.
3. Passion: Though it is possible to build a brand on a short-term basis without passion, maintaining the success of that brand over the long term is incredibly difficult without passion. Some of the world’s most successful people, such as Steve Jobs, Roger Federer, and Oprah Winfrey, did not or have not succeeded without passion. Passion is the force that drives us even through the most challenging of moments, propelling us to work harder than everyone else to continually deliver greatness. If you possess a genuine passion for your brand, that passion will rub off on your customers who will feel just as enthusiastic and excited about your products or services as you are.
4. Consistency: Consistency is the blood that runs through your brand, differentiating it from the competition and enabling it to remain in the memories of your consumers for longer. It also brings familiarity to your brand, which automatically leads to loyalty. Provided you consistently deliver high-quality goods and services, you can expect your customers to return to your business in future.
5. Leadership: The world’s greatest brands are supported by influential leaders who continually aspire for greatness. Whether that involves a sports team, a large corporation, or a small business, the most successful of these will have an influential leader backing them. When you think of Apple you immediately think of Steve Jobs, who was an extraordinary leader who taught us all many valuable lessons about strength and leadership. As a business owner, you need to live and breathe your brand to inspire both your workforce and your clientele to possess the same enthusiasm and passion for your brand. This in turn will lead everyone associated with your brand to feel deeply affiliated with it as your passion for what you do truly shines through.
6. Exposure: Another important characteristic of a successful brand is exposure. Well-known sports brand, Puma, combines numerous marketing channels to reach out to its target audience, including video, social media, and experiential marketing to truly immerse its customers into the brand. Although you may not have a budget as vast as Puma’s, thanks to the internet it has never been easier to increase exposure of your business. By developing a presence on social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and reaching out to customers through multiple channels, you have a better chance than ever to reach consumers and establish your brand on a global scale.
7. Audience knowledge: Finally, you cannot achieve any of the above without having a thorough knowledge of your target audience. You can easily do this by performing in-depth research about the demographics of your target audience. This not only improves the quality of your content but also helps you to communicate with your audience in a way that directly appeals to them, which in turn encourages you to create a strong, human connection between your business and your target audience.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered about 4 years ago

Kannan Nair

“I am Me.

The most important attribute for a successful high-end lifestyle clothing brand is **a strong and distinct brand identity**. This encompasses the brand's values, aesthetics, voice, and the unique story it tells. A compelling brand identity resonates deeply with customers, creating a strong emotional connection and loyalty.

### How to Develop and Nurture Brand Identity During Start-Up and Development

#### 1. **Define Your Brand's Core Values and Mission**
- **Clarity:** Clearly articulate what your brand stands for, including its mission, values, and vision. These should be authentic and resonate with your target audience.
- **Consistency:** Ensure that all aspects of your business, from product design to customer service, reflect these core values.

#### 2. **Understand Your Target Audience**
- **Research:** Conduct thorough market research to understand the preferences, lifestyles, and values of your target demographic.
- **Persona Development:** Create detailed customer personas to guide your branding and marketing strategies.

#### 3. **Craft a Unique Brand Story**
- **Narrative:** Develop a compelling narrative that conveys the origins, values, and aspirations of your brand. This story should be consistently communicated across all marketing channels.
- **Emotional Connection:** Focus on creating an emotional connection with your audience through storytelling that reflects their aspirations and lifestyle.

#### 4. **Design Aesthetics and Visual Identity**
- **Logo and Branding:** Invest in professional design for your logo, typography, color palette, and overall visual style. This visual identity should be distinctive and align with the high-end market.
- **Packaging:** Ensure that packaging reflects the luxury and quality of your brand, enhancing the overall customer experience.

#### 5. **Product Quality and Design**
- **Quality:** Prioritize high-quality materials and craftsmanship in your products. This reinforces the high-end positioning of your brand.
- **Design Innovation:** Focus on innovative and stylish designs that set your brand apart from competitors.

#### 6. **Customer Experience**
- **Service Excellence:** Provide exceptional customer service that aligns with the luxury market expectations.
- **Personalization:** Offer personalized experiences and products, such as custom fittings or bespoke items, to enhance the feeling of exclusivity.

#### 7. **Marketing and Brand Promotion**
- **Influencer Partnerships:** Collaborate with influencers and celebrities who embody your brand’s lifestyle and values.
- **Content Marketing:** Create high-quality content that reflects your brand’s identity and appeals to your target audience, including blogs, videos, and social media posts.

#### 8. **Community Building**
- **Engagement:** Foster a community around your brand by engaging with customers on social media and through events.
- **Feedback:** Actively seek and incorporate customer feedback to continually improve and align your brand with your audience’s needs.

#### 9. **Sustainability and Ethics**
- **Sustainable Practices:** Implement sustainable and ethical practices in your sourcing, production, and overall business operations. This is increasingly important to high-end consumers.
- **Transparency:** Be transparent about your practices and values, which helps build trust and loyalty.

### Implementation Steps

1. **Brand Workshop:** Conduct a brand workshop with key stakeholders to define the brand’s core values, mission, and vision.
2. **Hire Professionals:** Invest in professional designers and marketers who specialize in luxury branding.
3. **Market Research:** Conduct comprehensive market research to understand your audience and competition.
4. **Prototyping:** Develop prototypes that reflect your brand’s quality and design ethos.
5. **Launch Strategy:** Plan a strategic launch that includes influencer partnerships, high-quality content, and engaging events.

By focusing on developing a strong and distinct brand identity from the outset, your high-end lifestyle clothing brand can establish a lasting emotional connection with its audience, leading to long-term success and growth.

Answered 4 months ago