I am a practicing veterinarian in Colorado within the United States. I am also a veteran and served as an officer (veterinarian) for the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps in my early career.
I specialize in the design of clinically-applicable medical protocols that leverage cross-species, shared emotional states and trauma-aware, family-unit focused approaches to medical problem-solving. My current professional interests focus on the scientific investigation into novel and emerging medicines for trauma-induced emotional disease in animals, particularly canine post traumatic stress disorder (cPTSD).
I believe that unashamed curiosity will always lead to unexpected and exciting discoveries, but that scientific scrutiny, rigor, and precision must never be neglected.
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With the mission to support entrepreneurship among Healers, we provide entrepreneur and business mentorship to Healers that have a vision for positive change in the world. Cultivate exists to provide Healers with a place of community, shared growth by providing a safe-haven, and an incubator-for-ideas. By leveraging the power of cooperation, creating a supportive community, and encouraging creative solutions, we are providing the day-to-day tools that empower Healers to become successful entrepreneurs while sustaining their own health and wellbeing.
Denver, colorado, usa