

Marketing Strategy

How do I choose the right marketing strategy?

Our start up started to provide a robotic letter handwriting service (indistinguishable from human writing) and we are trying determine the right strategy and identify who the real competition is, how to price the product and who the customers are. Having speaken to lots of companies all express they interest and fascination about the service yet only few actual orders arrived. So the questions are: - do we price low and aim at volume or price high and work with much fewer companies? - how to get people to cross the line between “fantastic idea” to “can I have it please?” - who is the best target market for this service? Marketing agencies running direct mail campaigns? Printing Management companies?

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Luke Belcourt

Your Friendly Canadian Design & Marketing Pro!

When it comes to marketing it really does need to be personal. I think to recommend the correct strategy one would need to learn a bit more about your business, industry, audience / consumers.

With that being said - let me start by answering your questions:

1. Pricing is a loaded question without understand things like your profit margins, purchasing cycle etc. With that being said do not under value your product. There are no winners there. It is easier to price high and then reduce than the other way around. However, if you are looking at pushing volume - introducing a reduced "limited time" price to help get a foothold in your market could work.... but beware, those "discount" customers who do buy are typically lower value from a retention standpoint.

2. To help push conversions you need to think of your brand as a community. Target an audience and relate to them. Consumers look for that connection between them and a brand. Continue to build relationships with the right consumers and don't always make it seem like you are pushing only your narrative (ie. sales).

3. Honestly before you go out and hire thousands of dollars in marketing services, first take a look at what you can do in house. There is a lot you can manage on your own from an organic side that can really help build your brand equity and convert it into sales. To start I would invest into people and content. Leverage things like social (fb, insta, youtube), blogging and events to capture an audience. Place those captures into tools like mailchimp or autopilothq to help nurture them into sales. Rinse / repeat.

Now this is of course a real macro perspective of things. If you want to dive in a bit more feel free to schedule a call with me.

Answered over 6 years ago

Priyanka Sharma

consultant on business,startups digital marketing

I have plus 3 years experience in choosing the right marketing strategy. So I can give you the best possible answers.
Part of running a successful business is making it grow. Home-based businesses are no exception. In fact, it can be even more important if you are just starting out or lack a potential client base. The key to growing a business is marketing.
1) Determine Targeted Audience
No matter what marketing method you choose, you first need to decide to whom you plan to market. Mass marketing to a general audience simply is not cost-effective for most businesses so you must decide early on which segments of society are most likely to purchase your products or services. Begin by asking yourself some simply questions:

What needs does my product/service fulfill?
Will businesses or consumers be more likely to need what I offer?
Who are the clients I already have?
Who does my competition market to?
2) Set a Budget
Many inexperienced business owners make a major mistake when they begin their marketing efforts: they do not set a budget. Without a budget, these business owners can easily find all of their profits being funneled into marketing efforts.

Before you make a decision about what types of marketing methods to choose, you need to first establish how much you can spend in order to receive the desired results. Most businesses use the 10% rule. According to this rule, if you decided to implement a marketing program that would generate $5000 in monthly sales, then you should spend only $500 a month on marketing.
3) Evaluate Marketing Methods
There are a wide array of marketing methods available, but not all of them are appropriate for every business, audience, or product/service. Before deciding on a method, you need to carefully evaluate what will work best for your situation. Start by reading the article “Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Advertising Mediums.For example, if you run an online business, you may want to focus most of your marketing efforts on the Internet medium instead of mailing brochures to people who may not even own computers.
4) Finally, remember your budget. A television commercial may be more effective than an ad in the search engines but it may also use your entire marketing budget. To make the most of your budget, you want to start small and test your efforts before plunging into a major investment. After all, if the commercial flops, you won’t have anything left in your budget for alternative marketing.

Once you complete these preliminary efforts, you can begin to explore marketing methods more effectively which will allow you to pick the methods which should provide the best results for your particular business..
For further queries you can consult me.

Answered over 6 years ago

Peter Tratt

Experience in all areas of business

It might sound a bit obvious but to start with you need customers so first and foremost find out where they are. Talk to prospective purchasers, find out what events they attend, what networking groups they are involved with, trade organisations and buddy groups. From this information build your 'ideal customer' profile and along the way you should have collected contact details of many more prospective customers as well! This will also help identify whether there is a market for the product and acceptable price points.
Next on your website create an incentive offer such as 'try the XX product FREE for thirty days' or provide a light version free that has limited functions with an ongoing upsell to the main product. then contact affiliate platforms and invite their publishers to promote the offer.
Contact me if you need further assistance in developing the strategy.

Answered over 6 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Determine your marketing goal. Choosing the most efficient marketing strategy starts with setting a well-defined goal. You must always keep your potential customers at the forefront of your mind. Determine the most effective ways to connect with your customers, which includes uncovering their preferred communication channels and purchasing paths. The marketing strategies that you choose should complement the when and where of your target audiences. Create a marketing budget. A business with two employees is going to have a far different marketing budget than an international corporation. As you grow and your marketing budget increases, you can add tactics or increase your spend on tools you are using that work. Read how to create your marketing budget. Location. The real estate market mantra is “location, location, location.” In marketing, your location will affect your marketing options. While you can implement as many marketing strategies as you can afford, doing so is not necessarily the wisest decision. Aside from the high cost, you may struggle to figure out which strategies are working, and which are a waste of money.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered almost 4 years ago