Nora RyanProduct and Technology Executive

Invented and built the teams to deliver and grow products that were:

Award-winning international products to take company from inception through their public IPOs and/or successful sales: PaaS, SaaS, AaaS, and more

Tech Crunch Crunchies recipient

Featured products at the plenary and demonstration areas of the primary TED annual conferences multiple years in a row

Multi-year plenary feature and core to the main roadshow for ESRI geospatial solutions (ESRI is the world’’s leading geospatial solutions company and one of the largest multi-billion dollar private software companies in the world) and other major SIs

World class, leading developer tools and services including databases, language compilers and IDEs

Best of class software products and services for many years running, winning top industry awards- analytics, social, workflow, gaming, financial services, i-radio and more

Best of class mobile and consumer electronics products and services for many years running, winning top industry awards- multifunction systems, network cards, smartphones, and more
$0 to $B, many companies from pre-concept

As well:

Successfully raised funding for multiple high tech companies

Sought out to mentor CEOs and companies by entrepreneurs, incubators, venture capitalists and equity firms

Served as industry spokesman in multi-billion dollar high tech industries - multiple verticals

Multiple patents filed internationally

MIT graduate in Computer Science and Engineering

MBA and solid, consistent track record delivering great product and recovering success in technically challenged projects

Developer, partner, customer, and complete product team and ecosystem builder

Companies include Palm, Apple, Borland, eFax/J2 and smaller ventures

Led independent consulting practice to deliver for customers for 14 years

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