Nicholas WhiteClarity Expert

Current role:

Seattle, Washington/Austin, Texas
2008 - present
Partner and General Manager
- Oversee operations, business development, marketing, financial and personnel management for multi-award-winning social media marketing consultancy with a focus on solving clients’ marketing problems via programs emphasizing demonstrable ROI
- Honors: 2008 Word-of-Mouth Marketing Association/WOMMA ‘Best Social Media Campaign’; 2009 Summit International ‘Marketing Effectiveness Award’; 2009/2010 HP Corp. ‘CIRCLE Award’; 2010 PROMO Magazine ‘PROMO’S PRO Best Social Media/WOM Campaign Under $250K’

Ivy Worldwide is a group of professional, expert social media marketers. We’ve got the results (and battle scars) to prove it. As Partner & GM, my main duties include oversight of client program strategy and operations, business development, marketing, IT systems planning and implementation, research planning and execution, and financial and personnel management. Additionally, in May 2011 we published a book that I co-authored, Social Media Judo.

Recent Answers

I'd suggest not only posting your own original content, but lining/RT'ing that of others, esp. influential people whose content you (and your audience by extension) find compelling. It should also underscore your own message and brand positioning.

Having advised numerous companies on how to solve the "cold-start" problem of creating a new social property, one of the best ways to generate content and acquire an audience is to utilize others' content to tell your own story. You'll get a broader reach and find people of like mind if you ally yourself with others who're already doing some of the heavy lifting.

What's more, talking about yourself gets tedious, but when others tell your story, it's a more compelling read -- and it puts them in position to to reinforce your own story and message, which is ultimately what you want. You cannot get links & followers without first giving and sharing them.

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