Lead Generation
Finding B2B email addresses of large companies seems like a really hard thing to do. The software I've looked at is either not very good or really expensive for what it does or both! Any recommendations?
Strategy Consultant | Marketing | BI | Analytics
Don't go for email software..Personally, I didn't find worth the expense..
Rather, you should create your own list which should be niche/focused and not something which everyone is using.
If you cant, take professional help who can do that if you can share your target company, job titles, location etc.
I am not trying to promote my services here,, but I can help people like you and can surely do a test run, if interested.
You can validate the result and see it is more productive than subscribing to email software companies.
Good luck..
Answered over 7 years ago
Outsourced Affiliate & Partner Manager
This question could be asking two questions. How do you scrape a b2b email marketing list, or how do I find a one of email address for a targeted email.
With regards to scraping a list, this is fraught with the possibility of killing your deliverability. It is so easy to add a spam trap. It might me much easier to have people mail on your behalf with a call to action on a squeeze page to join your list.
If you are looking for targeted names for sales people to email one on one I find hunter.io a very useful too.
Answered over 7 years ago
Unique Digital Marketing Strategies
It's actually really easy, if you have a budget that is reasonable and you have an expert who can deliver! Any scraping software is going to refer back a lot of junk in with the contacts you need. Problem is even if you use a mass mailer software your emails will have a horrible bounce rate and your email / IP can get blocked depending on how you send the emails.
There is a reason software is cheap. There is a reason Experian charge a fortune for quality data. Because it's worth it.
Building a quality email list of your own is the way forward. It doesn't necessarily take that long to start building a nice list.
There are also other ways to attract the clients you are looking for - content marketing for example.
Answered over 7 years ago