
Yesterday I launched my first startup via Indiegogo. Numerous things unraveled, including IGG itself crashing. We do have $970 of support, which I am thankful for. Our initial goal is to get to $6,000. By doing so, we'll be able to offer other startups, bloggers, and internet entrepreneurs web hosting with: 1. A control panel to optimize site speed and increase page value with improved SEO ranking. 2. A safety switch that automatically allocates free resources at the first sign of a traffic surge or DDoS attack. 3. Direct access to friendly technical support to minimize wait times. 4. Increased security to better handle malicious hacker attacks and privacy invasions. If we are able to reach $250,000, we'll be able to created a free shared hosting plan. This will greatly help our audience we want to serve as they can launch a project without fearing it will crash on them (as we experienced with Indiegogo). What we have going for us: 1. An email list of 240. Some saying they would back us at the $1,700 level. 2. A prominent person in the SEO industry who said they would spread the word once we get backed. 3. Willingness to give a commission up to 20% of what someone helps us raise. 4. ~$500 for advertising What I'm considering: 1. Influencer/Blogger outreach to those that share our audience 2. PR - less focused, but gives stronger credibility signals 3. Sending personal, video emails to each person on our email list asking to back us. Maybe stand on our head to get attention :). 4. Do a secondary "launch" within the same campaign. If it helps, you can view our campaign at -> What one area of marketing would you suggest I focus on? Thanks in advance!

THE most important part of crowdfunding is early momentum. You need to groom your friends and family and get people lined up to donate the moment your campaign goes live. Most crowdfunding efforts don't pay off, and those that do are a full-time job to get to the finish line.

Offer consistent updates both on the site and through your email list. Contact specific people individually. I've had many friends and colleagues go through crowdfunding and they usually either hit the mark very early or it's totally down to the wire. In two recent cases, the final funding came through in the last few hours and came after NON-STOP work by the folks behind the campaigns.

Good luck.

Answered 9 years ago

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